points of interest can be gathered from this text. It is significant that right
beside the priests who jump started the operation by rolling their sleeves up
and getting into the work, the first group of people mentioned are the ‘men of
Jericho’. This had been the first city which had fallen to Joshua and Israel in
the conquest of Canaan, and now the posterity of the inhabitants of that city,
lend a hand to rebuild the city of Jerusalem, how amazing the hand and power of
God! We can without doubt learn from the events which surround the leadership
of Nehemiah and the work of the people in this great task of rebuilding the
walls of the city, we might consider the following three aspects. Firstly it is
clear that there was a great, pressing and difficult task at hand. We have
today as Christians a very similar task. Much of what once stood strong for God
and His word has been demolished and left in ruins. It is our task to rebuild
and to do so unto the Lord. The task is great, pressing and very difficult. It
is fraught with opposition, ridicule and disdain. It requires great amounts of
time, effort and money. It is at face value ‘an impossible’ task, too great for
anyone to even consider. Yet this is what we are called to do as believers; we
are to strengthen that which is weak, lift up that which is fallen and restore
the ways of God in our lives. Secondly, there were many willing workers were
present to help with the work. It has been said that ‘many hands make light
work’. This is true where the ‘hands’ are willing to work together, not for
personal glory or gain, but for the greater and common goal, without thought of
self and selfish motives. Often however, due to the wrong motivation for being
involved in a common task, it has been more beneficial to have fewer,
dedicated, genuinely eager, selfless, one minded individuals, than ten times
the number without those qualities. This is sad and causes much more weight and
burden to be carried by few, but it often results in better outcomes. It is
desirable that God’s work be carried by all of God’s people, each willingly and
faithfully bringing personal skills, time and effort into play. Everyone can
contribute and make a difference regardless of their background, age or
ability. Thirdly, the project was undertaken in an organised and mutually
supportive manner. The other important lesson we can learn from our text in
doing the work which is set for us as followers of Jesus, is God’s work must be
done in an organized, orderly fashion. Not in a spirit of competition against
our brethren, but of support and encouragement. For this to take place, God has
supplied His Word, His Holy Spirit and His ministry. Much more can be achieved
in the work of God, when we are willing to follow the mandates of God’s word,
carefully sense after His Spirit and listen to the instructions and direction
of anointed ministry of God. If God ordained leadership tools are left out and
ignored, the work of the Lord will suffer and probably remain an unfinished
task. It is up to us to fit in with the guidelines and principles the Lord has
established for our benefit and blessing, as we work and labour for the King of
Kings. There is much work to be done and the task is pressing, let us determine
in our minds and hearts to serve God willingly and selflessly in any way we
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