Wednesday, 29 May 2013

May 28

“…his eyes began to wax dim, that he could not see;” 1 Samuel 3:2

The high priest Eli was getting older and more feeble, his sight was diminishing, and he could no longer see well. This was probably the main reason why he needed the help of young Samuel, who no doubt worked closely with him, and learnt from him to perform the tasks and procedures of the temple. This was also possibly why Samuel thought it was Eli that called him, when he heard the voice of God. He was perhaps used to being summoned through the night for various reasons by the aging Eli, who once in his chamber or in bed to sleep, may not be able to see clearly to get the things he needed. Ageing physically can affect our eyes, so that we may not see as clearly up close or as far as we used to. Most of us need to use the aid of spectacles to correct our sight as we get older. The exact opposite should be true of our ‘spiritual sight’. As we get older in the Lord, more mature in His ways, more apt in our understanding of His word, and further along in our experience with Him, our ability to see spiritual truth, understand His precepts and sense after His Spirit, should actually increase. Sadly this is not always the case. In the days of Eli, it is recorded that there was scarcity of the word of God, and not much was being seen by way of revelation and direction from God. In this sense then, not only Eli, but the people of God as a whole, ‘could not see’! This can also be true of us as Christian believers today. Our ability to ‘see’ spiritual things, understand God’s word and follow the leading of God’s Spirit, is largely dependent on our closeness and relationship with the Lord. We cannot expect to ‘see’ what God is saying or doing, if our eyes are fixed on the things of this world, blinkered by the desires of our flesh, or distant from the Lord, who is the source of spiritual light! Just like the eyes of an older person, our spiritual eyes also will grow dim and we will not be able to see, unless we remain close to Jesus, sensitive to His Spirit, and attentive to prayer and the directions of His word.

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