Wednesday, 22 May 2013

May 11

“…as cedar trees beside the waters.” Numbers 24:6

Balaam the prophet had been employed by king Balak to curse the people of Israel, whom he viewed as his enemies and a potential threat to his kingdom. On three separate occasions, however Balaam could not but utter blessings and praises to God over Israel, a fact which angered the king immensely. In this third instance Balaam praises Israel of God, with unfettered admiration and beautiful comparisons. He speaks of the people of God as being like rich valleys spreading out in front of him, fruitful gardens, and beautiful forests, and finally compares them to the most majestic of trees – the cedar. Balaam then goes on to sing of the blessing which God will bestow on Israel and the protection He will give His people. The use of the cedar tree in scripture to describe strength, majesty and beauty is not infrequent. The tree is known for the size it can grow to, usually straight timber with branches spreading out horizontally and parallel all the way to its top forming a ‘cone’ shaped silhouette. The strength and quality of the wood made it a preferred building material, and it was used in important structures and edifices. Solomon employed it extensively in the building of the temple in Jerusalem. Although it is generally a mountain tree, this particular description places the cedar beside waters, where most trees would naturally best thrive. Balaam’s anointed description is an apt summary of how God views and values His people. In the same manner that He created the cedar and gave it the qualities that make it unique, God has given believers distinctive qualities by which they too can be known. The people of God can be recognised, like the cedar tree. They have a distinctive manner and spirit to them. They bear the signature of God in their soul and are different from the world around them. They are strong in their convictions, values and purposes, not easily moved and durable; stable in whatever position they are used. God utilizes such people in positions of leadership, and responsibility, to carry load and bear burden for others. Better still, God supplies His people with an in exhaustible supply of living water, which keeps them spiritually alive, strong and growing. He ensures that they are supplied all that is necessary to function and do the work they were intended for and purposes in His will! We are truly blessed to be counted among God’s people and valued in this manner by the Creator God!

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