Wednesday, 8 May 2013

May 6

“Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name…” Psalms 29:2

This is a wonderful exhortation to all who believe and know the Lord. We are encouraged to render to God the glory of His name. This means to give to the Lord the worship and praise appropriate to Him because of Who He is, fitting to the perfection of His nature and proportionate to the mightiness of His works! This exercise of glorifying God on its own will doubtlessly be conducted and continued into eternity. The infinite God has infinite aspects to the glory associated and revealed by His name. His signature is in every aspect of His creation. He has revealed His name in all dealings with mankind. He has proven Himself higher and greater than any god or deity, which man has chosen to recognise. His name is integral to the salvation He has provided and by which He answers the sin problem of lost humanity. Every aspect of our lives, survival and existence is touched by the power and glory of the Almighty. All over the world, millions continue to call on His Holy name to receive blessing and favour, protection and direction. Each one of these areas and a host more would keep us busy giving glory and praise to Yahwah for a long time to come! Sadly, the many that do recognise and give Him His rightful praise, are but few when compared to the throngs more who do not, and are wilfully antagonistic, or otherwise ignorant of Him and the glory that is due to His name. Humanity is overall given and more concerned with the accolade and recognition which they desire for themselves, or willingly give to fellow humans on every level of achievement or ‘success’. Yet the rendering of honour and glory to God, which is most obvious of all, most appropriate of all and most necessary of all, is withheld from the Lord, and rather redirected elsewhere. The rest of creation faithfully sings God His praises, but humanity fails miserably to even acknowledge Him. The faithful to God will nevertheless, continue to be spurred on by biblical reminders and give Yahwah, the glory which is rightly His! The only limitation we have in this task of glorifying the infinite Lord, is our present finite-ness. It restricts us from seeing the full picture of all Lord is and has done, and confines the scope of what we do understand and perceive. This too our God will soon take care of, when He will change our mortal and corruptible bodies into eternal and immortal ones! Then with one accord, with everlasting thankfulness we will share His eternal life, fulfil the purpose for which He created us. With full hearts and complete understanding we will sing His praises around the heavenly throne, and give Him the glory due unto His name!

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