Tuesday, 28 May 2013

May 25

“And the LORD discomfited them before Israel…” Joshua 10:10

Attempting to defend themselves, five Amorite kings formed an alliance to fight against the Gibeonites, who had become servants to the already feared Israelite intruders. Their plan was probably to draw Israel into a defensive battle; it succeeded, but not to their advantage. God reassured Joshua not to fear them, and preceded Israel in battle, disturbing, confusing and disadvantaging the enemies. Though Joshua and the people fought valiantly and the battle is described as a great slaughter, yet it is clear that God’s intervention in the battle made the greatest impact by raining huge hailstones on the enemy, which accounted for the larger number of those slain! Throughout the Old Testament we find that whenever God’s people trust in the Lord and keep His commandments, Yahwah is present and prompt to fight their battles. This is a principle we can also rely upon in our day, as Christian believers. Although our enemies are not ‘flesh and blood’, and our battles do not involves human weaponry, we certainly are faced with real spiritual enemies, and are involved in spiritual warfare. The weapons of our warfare, the scripture says are not carnal, but they are mighty through the Holy Ghost! We have Jesus to our General, and He will fight our battles with us, helping us to overcome the enemies of our souls, the devil, the world and the flesh! Some may feel that the battles we face are not as ‘real’ as those we read of in the scriptures, but they are in fact even more definitive. Whereas the battles Israel fought were largely for physical survival and conquest of land, our battles are for our souls and will impact our eternity! It is our task as Joshua did, to lean on, and trust in the leading and direction of God’s Spirit, and with courage and faith, face the enemy and consider that while we remain in Christ, we have the assurance of His overcoming power! 


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