In a
repetitious pattern of disobedience, Israel again had fallen out of favour with
God. When as God’s people we multiply our transgressions in total disregard to
the Lord, and without repentance, we can be sure to encounter God’s punishment
and correction. In our text this took the form of God withholding rain from His
people. God is in control of His creation, and whilst overall He allows it to ‘rain
on the just and the unjust’, it is error to think that God is limited by, or a
slave to His own laws of nature. No, He remains in control and His will reigns
supreme. Nature does not distinguish where to deposit its resources, but God
can control nature at will and direct its course. In this particular instance,
just to ensure that the Israelites knew this wasn’t merely a circumstance
climatic difficulty they were facing, He caused it to rain on one city, but
withheld rain from another adjoining it. He made it rain on one parcel of
ground, but the next was dry and parched, this was done for the three months
prior to their harvest, clearly making it a supernatural phenomenon, and marking
it as a judgment upon their iniquity. Rain was and is still a basic necessity
of life. Without it crops will not grow, and animals we use for food will not
survive. Without water in our reservoirs, even in our modern world, we quickly
become victims to the ravages of hunger and thirst. It is interesting also that
the rain was withheld in the critical time preceding the harvest, when it was
most needed to provide a rich and plentiful crop. Without rain at such times,
the produce is scanty, dry and unusable. God is always ready and willing to
bless and prosper His people, but time and again, our actions, indifference and
disobedience, demand discipline from the Lord. This correction is not given to
us because God hates us, or because He is a vehement, unreasonable, angry God.
Castigation from the Lord is motivated out of love for us, to redirect us to a
correct path and holy conduct. When we stray from God’s ways and violate His
laws, we are placing ourselves in the way of judgment and making it our choice
to be corrected by whatever means may be necessary, and at times these may be
stern. How much better to listen carefully to God’s Spirit, obey His word and
remain faithful and obedient to His ways, so that we can learn by God’s
coaching and gentle leading, rather than His sterner hand. It is God’s will and
purpose however, to fulfil the ultimate goal of His love toward us, which is
our sanctification. This is a spiritual work and it takes precedence over every
physical need, creature comfort and temporal provision. To that end He will
continue to protect, direct and correct in whatever manner He sees fit, that
our souls may be provided for and saved. When the blessing fails to ‘rain’ on
our souls, let us be swift in analysing our hearts and conduct, and equally
quick to repent and turn back to God from any conviction and righteousness we
may have strayed from!
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