Wednesday, 29 May 2013

May 27

“Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught…” Titus 1:9

Among the several qualities listed as necessary for a man to hold the office of bishop in the church, is the attribute of stability in the word. This necessity is ever clearer today, in an age when so many so quickly change their stance and beliefs of God’s word. Few nowadays, will endure sound doctrine, and many will easily turn away to fanciful fables and deleterious doctrines. This does great damage to the cause of Christ, and particularly when the individuals who so violate, are ministers who are in a position to impact others, and often hold sway over large congregations, or may have international influence through their programs and publishing, as is the case in many instances at present. The men who are entrusted with the positions of leadership in the church, should be men who have proven to be faithful in the doctrine of the Bible, have not swayed or strayed from it, and have continued to preach and teach the message of salvation in its entirety, without compromise or alteration. God’s word is faithful in that it does not change, and similarly those who are assigned the privilege and task to bear it to others, ought to do so with the utmost precision and faithfulness. Far too many individuals have been hurt in churches where ministers have assumed the right to do or preach as they choose, without regard to the word of God. They behave as if the church, that is, not the building but the people, the body of Christ, somehow belongs to them, and they have the right to speak whatever they want, rather than what God wants. Such disregard, neglect and arrogance are among the violations of the scriptural code, which can turn many away from God, convincing them that Christianity is a farce. Let us uphold the high standard of ministry and love of truth that is required in scripture, at all levels, but especially so among the ranks of the ministry.

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