Wednesday, 29 May 2013

May 29

“The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty…” Psalms 93:1

The Lord Jesus Christ, Yahwah, reigns! The verb here is in the continuing form, signifying an ongoing status that has not, and will not cease. He is King over all. This is a truth affirmed time and again is scripture. Many Psalms begin with this declaration, and in many other portions of the Bible we find the same statement of truth asserted. It is therefore a fact we must remember and keep present on our minds, while as weary pilgrims we travel these tumultuous times of life, through a troubled world, to our heavenly home. When we see the ugliness of much that is taking place in our world today, it may be sometimes difficult to reconcile in our minds the fact that God still reigns. In fact many use this very evidence to excuse themselves from believing in God. They say something like “if God existed, He would not cause such and such things to happen”! They fail to see the bigger picture, or understand how God works. God does not ‘rule’ or reign as we imagine in our carnal and limited minds. His ways are far above ours and His power beyond our understanding. He reigns from a platform of love and longsuffering towards us, His creation, not willing than any of us should perish, but that all should come to repentance! With this in mind, we should consider briefly why then we can without fear believe that our Lord reigneth. Firstly, the reign of God is seen in the fact that He continues to employ the nature He has created, to function, sustain and maintain life on this planet. All things depend upon Him and consist by Him, and without the upholding of His Almighty hand, nothing would function or remain in place as it is. Secondly, we can verify He still reigns by the testimony of the millions of faithful, those individuals who desire and allow for His presence and His will to be carried out in their lives. This experiential evidence is too large a body of proof, and too enduring an empirical factor to be ignored. It includes humans from all nations, all walks of life, all backgrounds and varied upbringing, all of whom are willing to bow a knew to the King of Kings, and even by itself this is compelling evidence that He still reigns! Thirdly, we acknowledge that as supreme ruler, God allows for man to impose his own will, at least to a certain point, and to a degree. This proves His supremacy and demonstrates that He still reigns, because He is not influenced, changed or derailed by man’s evil or iniquity. He has demonstrated in the past, and will do so again in His own time, that when He, as supreme ruler deems it enough, He will bring judgment upon all those who have disregarded His authority and violated His laws. Man may think himself powerful and in control, but Jesus made it clear to Pilate, who at the time appeared to have control over Him, that he would have no such power except it was given him from above. This means that above and beyond what appears to be man’s power and autonomy, is a greater Power, a Supreme Ruler who yet reigns over all! For those who accept the reign, control and power of God as King and ruler of all, there is an added blessing! They can see and appreciate the majesty with which He is clothed! It is unlike anything any human king or ruler has ever even remotely approached to or imagined! It is breathtaking Majesty, awe inspiring Majesty! In glory, power and wonder, His Majesty is something truly and literally ‘out of this world’! One day every eye shall see it and behold it, and every knee shall bow to His Majesty, and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Some will do so to their everlasting destruction, and some to their eternal salvation!

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