Monday, 27 May 2013

May 21

“…but we glory in tribulations also:…” Romans 5:3

Christian living is not for the faint-hearted or for anyone who unduly fears pain and discomfort. The path of eternal life is narrow and fraught with difficulties and challenges, but for all these, God has made provision. He does not say that as believers we will never face trauma or hardship, but He does say He will make available all we need to overcome our worst life’s situations. There is therefore, something counterintuitive yet extremely powerful, expressed in this portion of the Holy Text! We are all naturally disinclined to difficulties, trials, persecutions and afflictions, and thus logically avoid and decry these things, desiring nothing of them in our lives. The true believer however, though he will not purposely seek out affliction, finds ‘glory’ that is, rejoicing in these times and circumstances also. Along with the great blessings and provisions of salvation and sanctification, he who trusts in Jesus, can find reason to rejoice in difficult and troubled times. This may be contrary to our usual disposition, but becomes more ‘natural’ in concept and more acceptable in practice for the believer, the more and further he trusts the Lord. In fact, this truth holds a powerful and invincible principle, which over the centuries has seen many, face even their martyrdom as Christians, with calmness, quiet resignation and even welcoming joy! What could possibly cause a human being to actually rejoice, when faced with some of the worst possible circumstances and threats of life? It is an inner knowledge and divine peace, which strengthens and steels the soul of a man, into a conviction that God can transform the pain, suffering and distress of any affliction, into patience, hope, strength and power greater than ever known before! In other words, rather than seeing defeat, detriment or destruction, the believers ‘sees’, and finds God-ordained victory, improvement and life, from the times of distress which face him! Here then is the remarkable power of the Christian life that is truly committed to Christ – it is built up and improved by the wonderful blessings and privileges God provides, and it is also enriched, strengthened and enlarged by the sufferings He allows! In this context, the yielded life is impregnable and beyond conquest! It continues and improves regardless of what it is faced with or challenged by. This is true life in Jesus, it is the overcoming life, and it is His will for all who believe.

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