Both in the Old and New Testament we
find clear emphasis given to the impartiality of God in regards the outward
condition and status of any individual. God’s judgment or reward is not
affected by the person’s background, descent, talent, looks, personality or
financial status. God looks at the heart of a person and the condition of their
soul - that is what He bases His judgment upon. Our spiritual condition is the record
and evidence, by which our eternal destiny is judged. The concept of justice is
referenced on our own belief that in arbitrating matters, the judge should not
be swayed by popular opinion, rank or status, friendship or fear. In fact,
magistrates and others in such positions are often addressed in the Bible, and
encouraged to strict impartiality, reflecting the manner and posture God takes.
This powerful truth about God, serves well in dealing with three important issues. Firstly, there is no excuse for anyone,
anywhere or from any walk of life, in believing they would not be accepted of
God. So many times we hear the reasoning of being ‘too bad’ a person, or ‘not
good enough’ to be wanted or received by the Lord. This biblical truth leaves
no one out of the picture; there is no individual that cannot find grace and
salvation with God, if they but desire to obey Him! Secondly, it does away with the notion that we can somehow by our
good deeds or abilities find preference with God. It is true we can please God
by faith and should walk in a way which keeps us in favour with Him and
imprinted by His holiness. This however does not make us ‘better’ in God’s
eyes, for it is but our ‘reasonable’ service! Thirdly, we can put aside all competition and striving against
others. The impartiality of God leaves no room for contests of this nature. He
measures our hearts and the purity to which we yield, not the accomplishments
and successes which we may reckon. In this way even the least of achievements,
carried with a pure heart, is valuable to the Lord and precious in His sight.
In Christ, those with means and the poor, the talented and the ordinary, the young
and the old, the personable and the not so affable, all find an even and equal
basis to build upon, grow and become more of what God wants them to be. God
does not have respect to where we come from and what we are in ourselves. He
honours and blesses what we become in Him, and how perfectly we walk in His
ways. In the final analysis it will be the status of our spiritual being – our
‘robes washed white in the blood of the Lamb’ and kept that way till He comes,
that will matter with God!
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