Wednesday, 22 May 2013

May 10

“For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven…” Colossians 1:5

A life without the knowledge of Jesus Christ is a hope-less life! In Christ we have hope, both for this life and the life to come. In this life the hope that Jesus provides, gives meaning and form to our existence. Despair and emptiness are vanquished by this hope, and we can live a fruitful, purposeful and directed life. This hope is secure and does not pass away, nor is it diminished by the changes of time and circumstances. God has established this hope, and its bond is kept safe for all believers in the treasury of heaven. In the life to come, we will experience the full meaning and benefit of the eternal hope God has given us. Eternal life received through salvation, is intended here by the word hope. Hope is an apt metonymy for salvation with its eternal rewards, for in one word it captures all we long for and hold on to in our hearts! For the believer hope is not found in any worldly or material achievement or possession. Prosperity and success in life are not the ingredients which formulate the hope of the true Christian. The saint’s hope is based on that which is ‘out of this world’, in the realm beyond the physical, in the kingdom and home eternal! That is what drives the desire, passion and vision of the believer. It is this knowledge and reality held personally in Christ, by those who believe Him, which causes them to endure the greatest hardships, persecutions and remain steadfast and faithful through the worst torments and troubles of life! The hope is greater, it far outweighs, is richer and more valuable than anything else a man can own! With courage and determination we must as believers, hold fast to the hope which is laid up for us in heaven and not lose sight of our eternal reward.

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