Words can sometimes mean different things in different situations. There is also a difference between the meanings of some words when taken in a scriptural context, and when understood by the common or cultural context. Discretion is a good example of the above. According to the dictionary for instance, when someone does something ‘at their discretion’, they are exercising the power or right to decide or act according to their judgment. The ‘age of discretion’ in context, was considered the age at which a person was old enough to determine their own affairs. However the same word can mean to act with prudence or decorum, so as not to be offensive in a social setting. The biblical emphasis of the word as used in the text before us, and in other, similar passages of scripture, actually highlights neither the freedom of judgement or choice, nor the necessity for being cautious of social feelings. In the word of God, discretion is an aspect of spiritual wisdom, as it relates to the conduct of one’s life toward God. God instructs His people to observe ‘discretion’ - the wisdom of conducting their lives in line with His precepts, and being careful not to be offensive or affronting to Him! The focus of our discretion in other words, should be to have prudence that we remain pleasing to God in what we say and in the way we behave. This means taking care to obey God, and is quite the opposite of asserting our own rights or preferences! It also sets straight the issue of ‘Who’ we should care more to be inoffensive towards. We should emphasize right and harmonious relationship with our God, ahead of that which we strive for, with our society, particularly when culture and social practices contravene God and His Word! It can even be seen by various examples of scripture that at times in serving God and pleasing Him, some, including Jesus, were not at all ‘discreet’ with regards to the sensitivities of the cultural ways around them, choosing rather to act discreetly unto God! The spiritual wisdom of obeying and following God’s ways, and honouring Him above anyone else, whilst not a licence for rudeness or inappropriate behaviour towards our fellow-man, prioritises our diligence and allegiance, and reminds us that in all things, we are to please God ahead of man!
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