Persia was at this time an immense and powerful kingdom. Some have
pegged Ahaseuerus, with the rather unwarranted reputation, of being a
frivolous, gluttonous drunkard, given to flights of fancy, and childish
tantrums! A careful reading of the story of Esther, without personal bias or
pre-conceived ideas, will show a very different picture. This man was not petty,
childish and given to peevishness, but a wise man and one who carried a great
deal of responsibility. He was king over one hundred and twenty-seven provinces
and ruled with firmness and fairness. In fact because of the love, wisdom and
generosity he displayed, as relayed in the story of Esther, he has been deemed by some commentators, as an apt type of the Most High God. The scriptures describe how that
fearing for her life, Esther came unsummoned in the presence of the King. The law of the country stated this was not to be done, and could merit punishment by death! Instead of the judgment she was dreading, she found favour, audience and
assistance with the king. The statement before us, shows the largeness with which the King
was willing to meet her request – even before he heard it! The parallel for us,
is discernible, when we think that we too, came as needy sinners before the
King of Kings. He was in the position to judge and destroy us, but in pity and
love, he stretched forth the sceptre of His power and authority and provided
for us the solutions and answers for our souls! He gave us what we needed to
rid our souls of sin, the only and greatest fluid capable of washing away sin –
the blood of Jesus! Like Esther, we came trembling and left triumphant - He
kept nothing from us! Not only made us new, and granted us new life here and
now, but has also made available for us, in His great wisdom, love and power,
the kingdom of heaven for eternity! We serve a great God and Almighty King!
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