We see that in human life there is a time for everything. When it comes
to the spiritual realm, there is not in the present, a God-ordained time to be
or remain unsaved, and separated from the grace of the Lord! This is why we
find the prompt and urgent exhortation to partake and benefit from the
salvation Jesus has supplied, expressed by the very pressing term ‘now’. It was relevant
at the time the Apostle Paul wrote it to the Corinthians, and it is still pertinent
today. The ‘now’ spoken of here, is not so much a time of the clock, as it is a
dispensation, a period during which God’s salvation is still available to
mankind. In the past this glorious condition in Christ, could only be alluded
to, by types and shadows, but was not yet accessible. In the future again,
there will be an end to the possibility of finding safety and redemption in
Christ. In the present however, it is a real and obtainable spiritual
condition. ‘Now’ – we can be born again and be free from our past; now – we can
know the joy of forgiveness and the resurrected life; now – we can live with
Christ in heavenly places and prepare for eternity with Him! There is another
way to consider this expression of present urgency and opportunity. No human
being has a guarantee of tomorrow. For each of us, part of life is the very
present, and without-regard-of-person, reality of death. Young or old, rich or
poor, healthy or ailing, we could suddenly and without notice, cease to exist
in this physical realm. The exhortation of our text, takes on the meaning of
urgency for us personally, as individuals. While salvation maybe yet available
tomorrow, and others may have the opportunity to participate still, there is no
surety of another day for any of us. Today, now, therefore, is the most
relevant and appropriate time to respond to God’s call, and make our soul right
with Him. Too many have thought of acting upon the good will and grace of God
another day, but never lived to see it. There are some things we cannot afford
to put off, and salvation is the primary item in that category, the first entry
on the list of ‘to dos’! All else is dispensable, but not this! Today, now - while
God is near, while His salvation is available; while the heart is pumping, the
lungs breathing and life is yet coursing through our bodies; while our minds
are exercised and challenged, by the reality and possibility of such great
salvation; while our souls are being drawn to the Saviour, let us answer with wholehearted
and positive acceptance, to the plan and gift of salvation, Jesus extends –
right now – to each of us!
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