Thursday, 21 March 2013

Mar 22

“That ye may be mindful of the words…the commandment…” 2 Peter 3:2

Peter exhorts the saints of God to have the words of prophets of old and the whole tenor of the commandment, that is, the doctrine of Christ present in their minds. Why is this so important that it merits the apostle’s pressing encouragements to hold such things in memory? Peter was warning of the increase of false prophets and the subtle way by which they would find their way into the church and among the believers. One of the sure safeguards against false teaching, is to have present in mind the true counsel of God, His Word and commandment. This allows the believer to perform a comparison between the truth he knows and the doctrine he may hear. Without such plumbline or standard to compare against, the Christian, though sincere, may easily become prey to those who intend to do damage to the cause of Christ, or do so by pandering their fleshly ideas and practices. Being mindful of the truth of God is therefore a safety against such individuals, but also helps us to line up with God’s principles, any thoughts, words and actions we are about to initiate or participate in. Keeping ourselves pure and aligned with the Lord is a primary necessity of our Christian walk. We can easily test our readiness of mind and heart, in any one situation we often land in, by asking ourselves questions like: “What does God say about this?” “How should I feel, think or act in this situation?” If answers to these questions and others like them, are not present in our minds, then how ‘mindful’ are we of the directives and commands of God? We need to keep our heads in the Book, and the Book in our hearts! We cannot become and remain mindful of the Lord’s principles and teachings, if we have not taken time to read, study and digest His word and appropriate the concepts for ourselves. The Lord has provided us, with all we need to survive the attacks of the devil and his agents, and conqueror all error and falsehood, by the truth of His word! How many have fallen to false doctrine, influences of ungodly, fleshly professors of the faith, or their own doings and mistakes, simply because they did not heed, this simple yet profound directive – be mindful!

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