Sunday, 24 March 2013

Mar 24

 “…but the word of God is not bound.” 2 Timothy 2:9

Paul was in prison. This was no new experience for this faithful servant of God. He had been frequently imprisoned throughout his ministry, for preaching the gospel. Here again we find him incarcerated like a common criminal, and bound in chains. In previous instances, Paul had seen miraculous deliverance from prison, but God does not always choose to be glorified in the miraculous! This time we find Paul remains in prison, and remains bound! His testimony is that his captivity had no reflection on his faithfulness - the word of God IS NOT bound! Praise God, for men who will not allow their situations, however desperate and discomforting, to limit or incapacitate the ministry of God’s word! It is held in Roman tradition that on this occasion, Paul was placed in a dungeon below ground, which could be accessed only by a small hole above. It had neither natural light nor a staircase by which to exit. Although it cannot be verified, it is said that during this time Paul witnessed to, and baptised two of his prison keepers, as well as a number of other prisoners! This much we do know, that it was from prison that Paul wrote several of the Epistles which ministered to the hearts and needs of the growing churches, he had planted. The letters to the Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon and this epistle to Timothy, were all written while Paul was in a prison, treated as a wrong-doer, for preaching the gospel of Christ! We also know that while imprisoned in Rome, his testimony reached even into Caesar’s palace! Far from defeated, Paul continued to faithfully work in spite of his adverse and discomforting circumstances! Sometimes we complain of the ‘difficulties’ we face, in coping with ‘everyday living’ and trying to serve God, and think that if only we could have this or that ‘ideal’ circumstance, condition or provision, we might then really be able to do a work for the Lord! The evidence of scripture and the lives of other Christians, who have worked for God, and remained faithful in the worst possible circumstances, often under persecution and threat of death, shout at us, that we are really kidding ourselves when we think that way! Paul may have been in chains, but the word of God was not! He made every effort in spite of his situation to spread and share the gospel of salvation. If we genuinely desire to serve God, then we will in whatever situation we find ourselves in! The challenge is there for each of us, not to complain and ‘wish’ for better, but to make the best of every situation of life, and use what we have and what we can, for the glory of God and the furtherance of His kingdom.

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