Thursday, 21 March 2013

Mar 20

“Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person…” Hebrews 1:3

Jesus has existed from eternity as the one and solitary ‘person’, the Only Eternal God, The Father. God became incarnate when He overshadowed the virgin Mary, and the child Jesus was born. He was the Son of God, the ‘body’ of God, the incarnate God, the Messiah, the Sent One. Jesus on earth was still the Jesus of eternity, not a separate person, but rather the same eternal God in a different office, fulfilling the function of Redeemer of the world and Saviour of a lost humanity. The Son (God the Father, in flesh), was born for the purpose of showing the invisible God to the world and dying as a substitute in payment for the sin of the world. The role of Sonship, was specific in purpose, and pre-determined in outcome.  Everything Jesus did while on earth as the Son, was intended to glorify the Father (Jesus in Eternity), teach man how to obey the Father, and show humanity the way of salvation which the Father has provided. Our verse clearly reveals the identity of the Son! Jesus on earth shone the brightness of His own eternal glory, as the Father in heaven! No man could ever stand to see the raw brightness and glory of God, but in Christ, humanity saw it. God’s glory, brilliance, intensity of power and wisdom, is seen and revealed through Christ Jesus, as the Son on earth. All we know and understand of God and His will for us, has been brought to us, via His incarnation. The entire tenor of the teachings of Christianity, revolves around this very glory, the bright light of truth which has challenged the darkness of man’s sin. The eternal God is a Spirit and has no bodily form, except in what He showed us through Christ Jesus. Jesus as the Son, while on earth, was the express image of the eternal God. What could ever be seen of the substance of God, is seen only in Christ! When we reach heaven, once again we will only ever be able to see the Eternal God, in the One and singular person and substance of Jesus. Jesus will have fulfilled His role as the Son, and will continue to be the Eternal God (the Father), He has always been! God did not send another to show us His glory, express His substance and die for us - He came Himself!

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