There are instances when pressures from fellow believers, who may
express their opinions openly and forcefully, would cause some to compromise
their stand in God. Paul found himself facing some perhaps well meaning, Judaic
Christians, who were insisting that certain practices of the law, be observed
as necessary to salvation of Gentile Christians. The apostle was confident in
his stand for truth that he did not, even for the least time, give in to them in
the least detail on this issue! What Paul faced in his day, with some not
giving place to the newly established Christian way, we are finding somewhat in
reverse. In our day, we are faced with many determined to do away with the established Christian way and resolute on re-inventing
Christianity, giving rise to a re-interpretation of all that believers over the
centuries have stood, lived and died for! There may be many areas in Christian
living, where we can allow for various degrees of personal conviction and
individual stance, as the Lord may guide. There are however, core doctrinal
issues, on which there can be no compromise, or room for negotiation. As we
head further into the last days of time, the bulk of Christendom is allowing
for modernisation, change and adjustment, in an effort to appeal to the
contemporary mind. We are seeing more compromise, watering down of Biblical
truth and revisionism, taking place at every level of Christian belief and
practice. We are surrounded by many church goers, who insist that it is ‘old
fashioned’ to believe in holiness and sing hymns, preferring rather that rock
and roll be used as a means of worship. We are pressured into thinking that
unless we can get ‘with the times’, become relevant to contemporary thinking
and preferences, we cannot grow or survive as a church. We are faced with the
criticism that rejecting agenda-driven, new age versions of the Bible, is
narrow minded and separates us, identifying us as a sect! The opposition we
face may be ‘new’ and geared to our modern times, but in fact it is motivated
by the same old and antichrist spirit, which would bring believers into bondage
and lure them away from the truth and simplicity of the gospel of Christ. The
devil tried to undermine the church in its infancy, and is now trying to topple
it, in its aged and established state. Like Paul, we must not give place or
subjection to these things, not for a moment, that the truth of the gospel may
continue with all those who sincerely desire it. In this we rejoice, that Jesus
has already determined that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church
of God! There will be a remnant, faithful to God till the end, enduring in the
doctrine and the faith, without compromise and adulteration! Let’s be sure we
are among those who stand faithfully for Jesus, till He comes!
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