Paul had just encouraged the saints at Philippi, to observe the godly patterns
established in his life and to imitate them. The concept of following (Paul) a
leader, as he follows Christ, is both acceptable and desirable in scripture.
Naturally it is up to us to align the individual’s life with God’s Word and
deem it a correct paradigm to follow, or a poor example to be shunned. Note
that the emphasis is not in following the ‘man’ himself, but Christ’s patterns
of life and teaching, in that man. The apostle intimates, that following in a
godly manner will bring the peace of God into the life of the believer. This
expression ‘the peace of God’ is repeated often in the New Testament, both as a
condition to be desired and pursued, and as a blessing directed at fellow
believers. Among believing Jews the word ‘Shalom’
is used in salutation, this is taken around the world to mean ‘peace’. It is
used as a greeting also among many Christians, who in their own language convey
once again, the idea, concept and desire for God’s peace. Apart from the main
meaning of peace, for which it is known, according to Strong's Concordance (7965), Shalom means “completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare,
safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest,
harmony, the absence of agitation or discord”. It is associated with another
word which carries the meaning of being ‘fully paid’! Each of those definitions
embellish and describe the kind of ‘peace’ God intends us to have, and makes
available for us, when we follow His principles. God brings peace to us and is
thus titled, among many other things, the ‘God of peace’. This is the true
peace, which is beyond all human understanding, and which has been the subject
of many hymns, prayers and sermons. It comes as a result of being ‘at peace’
with God, meaning not fighting against Him by our sin or worldly behaviour, but
fulfilling His will and complying with His word. Being in conflict with ourselves
or others is unpleasant, but warring against God is futility and extreme
absurdity. Heavenly peace can only be received from God, and only when we place
ourselves in alignment with Him. This condition is most beneficial to our
hearts, minds and souls. This is the reason why ‘seeking to make peace with God’,
and then ‘having the God of peace in our lives’, are exhortations often heard
and frequently presented in Scripture and the exposition of it. In all His
dealings with mankind, God has indicated and shown that He desires the best
things for each of us. Experience has taught humanity, over some six thousand
years, that one of the best things to have and hold, is the very condition we
all seek at heart – peace. The world tried to achieve this by all other means
except yielding to God, and fails. True, lasting and fulfilling peace can only
come from the God of peace, and benefits us when we finally yield to His ways
and principles, and apply them in our lives. What a blessing to know and have
the peace of God! How precious and health-giving is this quality and condition
of life! It should become a priority in our lives to obtain and maintain this
glorious, soul healing peace, defend it from all which would damage and lessen
it, and like Paul, share it with the people and situations around us, by godly example
and loving instruction.
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