Thursday, 21 March 2013

Mar 21

“…Look on us.” Acts 3:4

The lame man had since his birth, sat daily at the gate Beautiful, looking for alms. He had probably developed an ‘eye’ for individuals likely to give him a coin, for his physical sustenance. He had no idea what was about to happen, and what kind of gift he was about to receive from God through His servants. It was necessary however that he should have faith to receive, and to this his attention was summoned. He might have been distracted by his usual habit of looking around at anyone who might give to him, but not today - today he was to look with expectation, to a different source. He gave heed to the apostles, who under the unction of God’s Spirit were being used as channels of God, to bring him deliverance. The text says he looked “expecting to receive something of them”! When in faith we look to God, we can expect to receive. The look of faith sees beyond the natural and physical realm. It perceives the greater and bigger spiritual reality, the plane above, from where God works. It is this look of faith that sees hope in despair, strength when weakness exists, and answers when we are faced with problems. There is room in this action to look on those who in faith are attuned to God’s Spirit, and are moving in harmony with His directives. We are inspired to have faith, by looking at men and women of faith. We are encouraged to believe when we look at those who by believing God, are achieving His purposes and receiving His blessings. By looking at individuals who are aligned with God, we are not turning our gaze in the wrong direction! If they are standing with God and line up with His Spirit, there is no harm in others looking in ‘their direction’, because we are really looking at God’s direction with them! They are not the source of God’s blessing, but can be the channel of it, when God so determines. In that sense then it is appropriate for someone in need to ‘look on us’, and what others will see is Jesus in us, and the power of the Lord through us. As the apostles were quick to point out, when questioned later about the healing of the lame man, the work, miracle and blessing is not something we can do, but it is performed by God and the glory for which belongs to the Lord!

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