Friday, 29 March 2013

Mar 29

“Yet all this availeth me nothing…” Esther 5:13

Pride and self-importance causes many individuals to be totally consumed with themselves, and tormented with envy and malice towards anyone else who may, even without knowing take away attention from them, on their self-established pedestal. Haman was such a man. In spite of having the honour of the king, an enviable position of employ in the king’s palace, and clearly the respectful fear of most people around him, the sight of Mordecai refusing to give him the obeisance he felt he deserved, caused him to lose sight of all else! He made it his life’s ambition to destroy the one individual he could not control. How can one become so consumed with selfish, egotistical motivation that he sees nothing of all the privilege, blessing and provision he already has? Well actually this is not so far from what happens with many today, who are taken with a spirit and mind set of material accumulation, and pursuit of wealth, to such a degree that they enjoy none of it, see no blessing in it, nor can they rest and be content for even a moment, in their money-rich but miserable lives! Jesus teaches us the mind-blowing concept of preferring others to ourselves! Giving not only of what we have, but of who we are, for the benefit of others. This is so contrary to our natural bent, that it revolutionises our thinking, and blasts us out of our comfort, when we begin to consider it. Taking care of me, my, mine and everything to do with me, is often the natural response we give to life, but when we do, we soon discover there is no joy, personal fulfilment or lasting enjoyment, in this self-consumed approach to life. When we do it the Lord’s way, giving others their place, genuinely honouring them ahead of ourselves, giving respect and trust where it has been earned and being interested in others more than in ourselves, we find a different and higher level of purpose in living our lives. The ‘Haman approach’ to life will end the way it did for him, in sad, pitiful and shameful death. The way of Jesus, on the other hand, results in life more abundant here on earth, and in heaven for ever!

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