Many have
constructed an erroneous image of God in their minds. They have believed that
because God is love, He cannot therefore be a party to distributing judgement,
which may cause the suffering of anyone, regardless how sinful or guilty they
may be. This could not be further from the truth of the essential and righteous
nature of Yahwah. That God is love is a fact of scripture, but that this fact precludes
and disqualifies Him from being a righteous judge of sin, is gross error! It is
in fact His love that will demand justice be brought on those who have not ‘known’
Him. God’s love is not a fickle, fluffy, cover-all-without-righteous-process,
kind of love. Calvary is the evidence that His love demands justice. Those who
believe in Jesus have their sins remitted and paid for by Christ’s sacrifice at
Golgotha, but their sin WAS PAID FOR! The love and righteousness of God,
demanded that sin be judged! Through the atonement at Calvary, He has already
given mankind the way ‘out’ of future judgment and death, by judging sin on the
cross, in the death of Jesus. When humans refuse to ‘know’ God, that is, to
acknowledge Him, His love and what He has done for them, they are placing
themselves in line for the judgement, which is coming on this earth. They are
saying by their actions, they do not want the salvation from death, which God
has provided. They are despising God’s provision, and turning away from the
only hope of escape. They are stating, they are not accountable for their
actions to God and that He has no claim or authority over them. They are
denying the fact that as the Creator of all things, including humans, He is our
God and King! In spite of this wilful ignorance of God, disregard of His laws, choice
to live in sin, and give their life’s allegiance to the devil and their own
fleshly desires, many will still claim that ‘because God is love’, He will not
judge them or punish them with an eternal retribution! This is simply wishful
thinking! The kind of judgement which God has already purposed and revealed in
His Word, which He will visit on sinful humanity, is intense with the purity of
His Holiness and the indignation of His righteousness! Described as a ‘flaming
fire’, the vengeance or judgement of God, is not going to be comparable in
devastation, destruction and permanence, to anything man has ever known before!
Sin demands and merits such reckoning. God has given man plenty of time and
warning to evade, get out of the way and escape such judgement. The real
question is why does most of humanity not heed to the loving wooing of the Saviour?
Let us make every effort to warn those around us of the impending danger they
are facing outside of Christ!