Sunday, 7 April 2013

Apr 8

“But we preach Christ crucified...” 1 Corinthians 1:23

The Apostles didn’t know or preach a stately triumphant Messiah, who would conquer their physical enemy, establish a new earthly kingdom, and retrieve for them the position and privileges they once held. This was the expectation of many of the Jews, but the crucified Christ, the Christ who suffered and allowed Himself to be humiliated, was what they were presented with! The message of the Apostles exalted the sacrifice of Jesus for the atonement of our sins. Little wonder it was a ‘stumbling block’ to them! It was the opposite of what they had expected! It was inglorious, ignominious and ignoble! How could such a slain Messiah save or even inspire! This is exactly the mentality of so many today and the error they make. They misunderstand the cross of Calvary. Without God’s revelation, His understanding and light on the plan of salvation He so lovingly made available for us, we would surely miss the mark and totally misconstrue the Divine purpose. The power of Christ crucified, is like nothing else on earth! It doesn’t depend on the grandeur and pomp, or the force and violence that the human mind expects, when strength or authority is described. It is based in, and functions from the very essence of God – His love! This is the most powerful force in the universe. It conquers in a manner otherwise unknown to man, and incomparable to anything else. This power is able to reach the heart of humans, across the boundaries of culture, language, age and education. It grips the soul and cleans it; makes inroad in the darkest places of the heart and turns the light on; devastates the devil and the sin that enslaves man, and frees him, in the most complete sense; reaches down to fallen man and lifts him from the slime pit of perdition, upon the solid rock of salvation! That is why ‘we’ – all who believe and know Jesus – preach the crucified Christ! Like the apostle Paul we want to know nothing but ‘Christ and Him crucified’, this is the core of the faith, the centre piece of exaltation, and the focus of life - there is power in the message of the cross!

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