Thursday, 11 April 2013

Apr 12

 “The Lord was as an enemy…” Lamentations 2:5

As the Creator God, Yahwah, is a benefactor and lover of all of His creatures, particularly so of man. It is not God’s default condition to be or behave as an ‘enemy’ to man, especially to His own people! Israel had found God to be their Friend, Protector, Leader and Ruler, but when they turned their backs on Him, they also experienced the reality of His enmity! We learn a great deal from the Lord’s dealings with the people of Israel and can draw much personal instruction from their experiences. God will not play ‘second fiddle’ to anyone or anything else in our lives. Some think that because judgment has not instantaneously fallen upon them, when they violated God’s law that somehow they have got away with it, or that God no longer rules or cares. This could not be further from the truth!  There is a time stored up for the wrath of the Almighty, and in that day, woe to them who find Him to be their enemy! The God, who is love, is also a just and fair God. He will visit his antagonism on un-repented sin. He will reply to the defiance of the atheist and the questions of the skeptic, with answers which will forever silence their tongues, and settle their eternal destiny. The Almighty is not a whimsical God, who simply chooses to turn on His creation. He has given plenty of time for all mankind to turn from sin and make things right with the Creator. When in the final analysis, man chooses to remain the opponent of God, he will find that the Lord is indeed a formidable and terrible foe! How inane for a man to go against the Almighty! How senseless for limited and finite humanity to question and defy the Eternal and Omnipotent! Why does God allow it? How can He put up with it? It seems God is not lessened or harried by man’s defiance. His mercy lingers still and His longsuffering prevails, and there still remains a choice for mankind. The time will come when He will say “no more”! Will He be then your personal Saviour, or your eternal Judge? The choice for now is still left to you and me!

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