Monday, 22 April 2013

Apr 22

“…thou art a mighty prince among us…” Genesis 23:6

Abraham has sojourned among the Canaanites for many years. He had come as a stranger among them, but was now considered a prince. His wealth, manner, authority and dealings with them, merited the recognition they gave him.  Clarke says of this account that they saw him as “… a prince of God - a person whom we know to be divinely favoured, and whom, in consequence, we deeply respect and reverence.” What a great testimony for the Lord to be seen and recognised as a person who is in favour with God and therefore to be respected. This is the kind of honour our lives, attitudes and conduct should bring to the Lord. Note Abraham’s kind and humble approach to the purchase of the field and cave he desired to buy for the burial of his dead. He didn’t take advantage of the position he held among them, nor commandeered his preferred portion of the land, he did not demand recognition or favour, but made a point of insisting on paying for it the full price. This was a legal transaction with witnesses and it made Abraham the legitimate owner of this parcel of land for all time. Some, who profess themselves as Christian, go about with an air of superiority and a manner which distances unsaved people from God and godly ways. They are argumentative and insist on knowing better, and being right on everything that is discussed, because they are ‘Christians’. They do damage to the cause of Christ because they do not convey or present a correct and appropriate witness and example of the faith. The humility that Christ taught by His manner and dealings with others, is yet another aspect of the imitation of Jesus, for which we are personally responsible as His disciples. It is difficult enough to win others to Christ without placing even more obstacles in their way, by our insensitive demeanour! No wonder we are told in scripture that "he that winneth souls is wise"! There is therefore a godly and Christ-like conduct, to which we as believers must learn to subscribe, and do so with genuine motivation. Like Abraham, we will find some around us recognising that we are, as we should be, children of the King and therefore ‘princes with God’!

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