Having warned His disciples that they too, like their Master, would be persecuted in this world, Jesus here teaches the blessing of such persecution. It is not in our natural spectrum of understanding, to see or feel blessing when persecution is waged against our name, reputation, property, person, or our loved ones. Yet it is a truth of scripture, the reality of which is imparted to us, by the teaching and example of Jesus, and the power of His Holy Spirit. The word persecuted here implies, being pressed upon, pursued after, and hunted as prey! There is no blessing in such ill-treatment, if we as believers find ourselves at the receiving end of it, because we have acted unwisely, whether in pride or in foolishness, spoken out of line with God’s word or betrayed the values we claim to live by! When in the course of living a godly life, and in humility upholding the values of God, however, we find ourselves at the butt of the attacks of those who in hatred towards God, hate us also and revile the uprightness we stand for, then we can align ourselves with the teaching of Jesus regarding the blessing found in God as a result of such harassment by man. God has sent us into this world as ‘sheep among wolves’, an analogy which speaks of itself of the necessity for us to lean heavily of Jesus! There are those who are favourable towards godly men and women, admiring their stand in God, even if they do not desire to participate in faith toward God personally. Others instead remain quite unaffected, neutral and even dismissive, of the godly behaviour they may see in believers. Then there are those who become inflamed, enraged and take personal offence, at the mere suggestion of righteousness, whenever they spot it in the virtuous manner or speech of a Christian. Some of these do not hesitate to turn on the believer, with ridicule, accusations, and attempts to victimise and belittle him, particularly when they are in company with those who know them, and may ‘look up’ to them. We are instructed that whatever the persecution, and regardless how severe, we are not to retaliate or give back in kind, but rather show the love of God, and conquer our enemies the way Jesus did, by standing, living and if necessary dying for righteousness’ sake. Great blessings are laid in store for those who follow the Master’s way and obey His principles. May God grant each believer the conviction, peace, strength and anointing to stand for God, God’s way!
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