Israel had been granted victory by
the Lord. He had delivered their enemies into their hands and caused His people
to triumph. The conquest of the land of Canaan, was a significant step in the
establishment of the people of Israel as a nation. In order to be settled,
however, they had to dislodge the inhabitants of the land, and in doing so,
remove and cleanse the country of their heathen and idolatrous practices. In
obeying God to conquer the ‘enemies’ which are in our lives, there may be times
when we have to be fierce and forceful. Cleansing of certain ingrained habits
and sins often cannot happen in any other way, but to be sincerely brutal with
ourselves. Should we treat sin with anything less than the hatred God has for
it, we would do our Saviour a gross injustice. Should we justify and be soft on
the iniquities for which God has delivered victory into our hands, through
Calvary, we would bring shame and dishonour to the cross. God cannot live with
sin. God’s holy people should not either! In an age, when so many are blinded
by cultural acceptance of sinful conduct; when church and pulpits are silent on
the topic of sin; when compromise reigns and fear of man is greater than the
fear of God, we are directed to wage war against the enemy of our souls! With courage
and determination, let us remember that God has given us the victory, if we go
in His strength and in His name, and that “we are more than conquerors, through
him that loved us”!
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