Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Apr 24

 “Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust.” Psalms 16:1

God is refuge and comfort for those who trust in Him. We are not certain whether any specific danger assailed David at the time of this Psalm. The prayer and call for God’s protection however is appropriate at all times for the believer. The man that makes God his shelter recognises the blessing and benefit God has already afforded him through life, and desires for that solid cover to be over him and his continuously. This is what gives rise to the utterance of our hearts and lips, as we appeal to God for that which He has already faithfully supplied. It is a way of saying ‘keep doing Lord, the wonderful work of sheltering me’; or 'keep holding me Lord, in your hands I feel safe'. There is in all of us a need to sense maintained security and ongoing assurance of what we treasure. The enemies abound, whether in a physical or spiritual realm, a true battle for survival is taking place. Insidious forces, we are told in scripture, are at work to defeat us in our progress, stunt our growth and derail us from our purpose, as we serve God. Their ultimate goal, should they have their way, would be our destruction! This alone is cause for being conscious of the need of the Lord’s protection. In fact, the ‘watching’ part of prayer has to do with being awake, alert and aware of the enemy, praying against him and seeking God’s protection of self and others. Added to the ever present spiritual struggle, there are also many physical factors at work, some even unknown to us, which in our overall vulnerable humanity, undermine, lessen and detract, from an already naturally deteriorating physical being. These would no doubt overcome and dissolve us, but for the mercy, love and intervention of God. In truth, we cannot afford to take for granted, even one breath going through our lungs, or one single beat of our heart! Our preservation is God’s intent, but we must remember that it is for His glory and purpose not our own. God knows our motive in asking His fortification. To ask God that He protect us so we can go about doing our own will, desire and task, without regard for His purposes, or in rejection of His values and directions, is not only selfish but also foolish. To lean on ourselves, our own means or the ability of others alone, and have no faith in the Almighty, is also foolishness, we are warned that the ‘arm of flesh will fail us’! As believers then, we belong to Him, and we owe God the trust that befits His power, love and glory. He has reassured us that He will ‘keep’ all who believe in Him and that no matter what challenge or danger may face us, He is able to see us through. It is to the degree that we trust Him and lean on Him that we will mostly see the hand of the Lord in protection, provision and preservation to do and fulfil His will. Let's say it and live it '..O God in thee do I put my trust'!

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