Thursday, 18 April 2013

Apr 19

“For afore the harvest, when the bud is perfect…” Isaiah 18:5

Certain things cannot be timed by a calendar or a clock. The picture presented to us in this verse, is in regard God’s timing of judgement. We cannot tell by an exact date, the time of grapes ripening on the vine, it is done by observation. We can at best approximate that somewhere during a period of time, we will be able to see ‘signs’ of the fruit maturing and becoming ready for harvesting. One of the signs is after the flower blossom has past, and the grapes are perfect in shape and size, but still green. This is prior to harvest, and while there is yet time needed for the maturing and sweetening of the grapes, the promise of a healthy and abundant crop is already evident. In this same context we can discern the matter of the judgement of God. Not by a specific date and time, but by the signs which surround us. Many have set dates based on calculations they have made, and have attempted to foresee the action which God has planned and is in His mind. All such attempts have failed in ascertaining precisely, those things which God has shown us only in part. We have been told in scripture some of the signs to look for, and what processes take place before the hand of God will intervene, but we know not ‘the day nor the hour’ of the events which must come. There are without doubt all sorts of reasons which can be raised and rationalised, as to the ‘why’ God has chosen to deal with the timing of future events in this manner. One day we will fully comprehend. In the meanwhile, as we observe what we can ‘read’ as fulfilment of the signs given to us, it is not unusual for us to feel like somehow God has ‘forgotten’ what is written or is simply ‘late’. Neither would be correct, for the exact time of the fulfilment of His promises and warnings, belongs to Him alone. We don’t need to know the details of the future, we just need to know and trust the One who knows the details of the future, and be content in the assurance that His word and promises will be fulfilled, ‘when the bud is perfect’!

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