Pride will destroy a man, regardless
of his position. It becomes a millstone tied around his neck that causes him to sink to his ruin! Nebuchadnezzar was not exempt because he was king. God warned
him in a dream which Daniel interpreted. The king’s pride and wickedness would
cause him to be removed from among society and normal human life, and he would
become demented, live outdoors and eat grass like cattle! The warning allowed
for him to repent quickly of his sins and begin doing righteousness. He had
probably been indifferent to the poor and tyrannical to his subjects. Ambition
and selfishness ruled the ruler, and in spite of some semblance of
religiousness, he was nevertheless morally decayed. King Nebuchadnezzar is
typical of much of humanity. Right doing begins with acknowledging the Lord God
is the Almighty, the Creator, that His law is to be obeyed, and that we are
accountable to Him! When as humans we forget and forsake God and His laws, and
become filled with our own selves and our achievement, we lose perspective on
the reality of life. In a sense it could be said, we lose our ‘right minds’ and
become as brutes, filling our bellies with all the things of the world, which
are inappropriate for us and do not satisfy. When we behave in ways contrary to
the plan and will of God, we lose our God-given position as proper rulers over
God’s creation. Filled with our own pride and self-driven ambitions, we forget
the needs of others and become guilty of the same wickedness and sins which
have condemned so many before us. Here is wise advice, to be followed before it
is too late – break off thy sins by righteousness! It is not until we recognise
that Yahwah rules above all, that we are his subjects and willingly do His
righteous works, that we return to a ‘right mind’, and life becomes what He
intended it to be, enriched, blessed and filled with hope eternal!
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