God’s work is often carried out among the accusations, distrusts, confrontations and reviling of those who oppose the Lord, and those who even in Christ, are more interested in their own schemes than the work of God. The occasion had been the healing of the lame man at the gate of the temple. His joyous testimony gave rise to the preaching of God’s word, and the result was that five thousand heard the word and believed! Even in situations where the evidence of righteousness is there, staring in the face of those who are pitted against the people of God, the attempts to undermine, ruin and defame continue. This is to be considered normal and ‘par for the course’, in the lives of those who serve God. Jesus explained that in the same manner they wronged Him, the world would mistreat those who follow Him. He also encouraged us to ‘rejoice’ in those times when, for the faith we are abused or marginalised. When those who should know us, choose rather to loathe and dissociate from us, if we are standing in the word and holiness of God, we should not be dismayed. It is not an automatic thing that because we serve God, we will have no problems! In fact it is often quite the opposite! At all times, the important factor is not our comfort, happiness and being appreciated, but the glory and honour which is brought to God, by the work done in His name through faithfulness, and in spite of strains forced on us, and distresses that may disease us . It is not unusual that some great results and an ingathering of souls, take place during times of attacks on our persona and character. It is Jesus that matters, His name that is to be lifted up and His truth to be proclaimed. Our task then, remains to stay at the work regardless! Sow the seed of God’s word far and wide, faithfully and without reserve. We are then to trust God for the increase and in faith pray and believe for the salvation of souls. Finally we must lean on Jesus for the protection He may choose to provide for us, and the strength He will grant us to face the next mountain!
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