Monday, 25 February 2013

Feb 8

“…but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.” Proverbs 10:4

The first ‘hand’ referred to in this verse signifies a manner of slackness and looseness, without discipline and clearly results in poverty. The ‘hand’ referred to as being of the diligent, has the meaning of being ready and prepared for energetic effort! In this we see the different dealings the diligent takes with life. Diligence implies a prompt effort without delay or constant procrastination; a sustained effort which does not give up in difficulties or opposition; and an effort which is meaningfully applied to the task, in other words it is appropriate and relevant to the job and duty at hand! Though in the past these were the object of many maxims and stories with a moral, often in our modern world, qualities such as diligence are often scoffed at and belittled. For the believer however, there can be no other attitude and manner taken towards his work in whatever sphere it may exist. Slackness whether in physical or spiritual matters is not an apt reflection of true Christian values, or an appropriate testimony to the unsaved world around us. There was a time in western society, when Christians were sought after by prospective employers, because of their reputation for honest, diligent and dependable hard work! This verse goes on to show the reward of the ready, hard-working and energetic, diligent person – he is enriched! This does not mean only in a financial sense, but clearly in all areas of life, wherever we choose to be diligent and work as ‘unto the Lord’, we grow and become rich in knowledge, understanding, experience and ability. It is true to say that when Christians behave the way God prescribes, they are improved and blessed. In turn they influence their community to share in the blessing and richness of God’s principles and promises.

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