Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Feb 18

“Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3

As can easily be verified by a reading of the Epistles, even from its beginnings, the church was adversely affected by the factions, divisions and strife so common and peculiar to our flawed human nature. The exhortation before us is a hearty encouragement to work hard and consistently, at the maintenance of the ONE mind and accord, identifying the ONE Body of Christ, into which we have all been baptised by the ONE Holy Spirit! There is no division in God! His unity should be reflected in us as His people. Firstly, by each of us being truly one with Him. This means taking on His life, His ways, His will, and making it our own, and in this way aligning ourselves with Him. Secondly, by being united one with another, in purpose, manner, desire, peace and love. This harmony clearly does not happen automatically, nor is it our natural bent. It takes effort, and it is a clear Christian duty and endeavour, to instigate and keep the kind of unity and accord which pleases God, and correctly reflects His nature. Without God’s Spirit in us, and a willingness on our part to yield to His influence, we will not be able to remain close, even less in true concord. This is one of the wonderful aspects of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, which God pours into each believer, when we come to salvation! God’s Spirit strives in us, to preserve the unity God desires in His church. When we yield our personal preferences, agendas and control, to the Holy Ghost, and humbly follow His lead, we place ourselves in the best and most favourable position, to help maintain the kind of harmony and connection, God wants for His people. Our carnally induced contentions, frictions, criticisms and discontents, cannot but produce divisions and obstruct the condition of peace and unity, which must exist among believers. The bond of peace is a strong bond if we remain ‘in the Spirit’, but can conversely become fragile, when we step out of the flow of the Spirit of God and into our own fleshly mode. Those who claim to be believers yet insist on bellicose opinions, antagonistic behaviour, negative conversations and contentious unedifying attitudes, are not walking worthy of the vocation of peace-keeping to which the Lord Jesus has called us, and which we must in all humility of heart fulfil.


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