Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Feb 13

“…I will prove thee with mirth…” Ecclesiates 2:1

We have not really changed a great deal as humans, when it comes to our basic functions and outlook on life. We continue to believe, in spite of the mountains of evidence which has been accumulated by the testimony of others that somehow, we have to experience all things of life, to ‘prove’ to ourselves whether there is anything worthwhile in them. Travelling this path, seeking satisfaction, most of us end up, at times battered and bruised, and almost always poorer in time and finances from the ‘proofs’ we so badly thought we needed. Somewhere along the line, we resign to the inevitable and join the crowds of others who also did similarly, and with a nod acknowledge that what we had been told about life, was actually quite correct in the first place! We might have spared ourselves the heartache, but something in our fallen human nature rebels at ‘being told’ what to do. Not until we have tried it ourselves are we contented to consider many issues settled, though they were really settled for us long ago by the Lord in His Word, and through the experiences of those who have gone before us! Solomon was no different from the rest of us in these pursuits of self-discovery and determination of the ‘facts of life’. Unlike most of us, he had at his disposal just about anything any human could ever want or choose to experience. The test highlighted in the portion of the text under scrutiny, speaks of tying to satisfy oneself, by gratification through entertainment and merriment. No doubt this man known for his wisdom and his enormous wealth, left no stone unturned to make his judgement on this matter. He would have been as thorough here as with all the other ‘tests’ of life he conducted. Neither need we think that he had to necessarily partake of evil or sinful practices to come to his conclusion. Once he had tested himself and his own heart and soul with the very things we so often ardently pursue, he determined without doubt or hesitation that no lasting joy or satisfaction can be obtained by mere entertainments and amusements, even if legitimate and rational. A man whose wisdom was ordained by God is able to share his findings with us and tell us that along with all his other experiences, this too on its own and without God, is nothing but vanity and futility, it will not fulfil and will leave us always wanting and searching for more! Clearly the essential outcome of Solomon’s research in life is that, nothing outside of God satisfies! While we readily accept we do not have to ‘re-invent the wheel’ in so many other areas of life, yet in seeking our personal fulfilment, we often insist on wasting time and life on costly and futile pursuits, instead of just accepting the established proofs supplied to us by the wisdom and love of God!


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