Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Feb 7

“…and a time to every purpose under the heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1

God in His benevolence has set a time for every purpose under heaven. ‘Every purpose’, must be understood to indicate all the good things which God intended to be ‘correct’ purposes, in the life and existence of the human race on earth, not the sinful determinations and aberrations of fallen mankind. This can be seen firstly, by the fact that He has stipulated and governed the way seasons and natural processes take place on earth. This is God’s blessing to man, in that we can by these pre-set parameters, better plan our crops, make decisions, prepare and clothe ourselves, shelter appropriately and much more. An added blessing is recognising that God is the Author of these over-arching purposes, and that in His love He has given them place and time and made them available to us. The second way we could look at this portion of the holy text, is to note that in His benevolence, God has made time available to every person. Everyone is given time, and what purposes we use it for, is all important! Naturally the Lord instructs and directs in His Word what the best usage of this time is. The ultimate purpose, for which it was granted to each human, is to worship Him in all our actions and deeds of life. He does however, allow us to determine how we will use or spend much of the time we are granted in our lives. Apart from portions invested in many legitimate human purposes of just living life and survival, (some of which are listed in the passage), sadly much of humanity spends and wastes this precious commodity in committing sin and in actions which are not only offensive to God and detrimental to their own souls, but that also were not meant to be a part of the ‘purposes under heaven’ for which God has given us the blessing of time. It is every bit as irresponsible, as using money which should pay the bills, for other things such as entertainment, vices, frivolous habits or unnecessary wants. Naturally this type of behaviour, when insisted on, will end up in financial ruin and loss. Similarly, time has been given to each of us to invest wisely and to fulfil every one of God’s determined purposes. When we choose to do otherwise with it and waste the time of our lives on that which affronts God, we cannot expect but to be found culpable for its misuse!

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