Sunday, 3 February 2013

Feb 4

“Unto you therefore which believe he is precious:…” 1 Peter 2:7

A stark contrast is drawn here of what Jesus means to believers, as against those who refuse Him. Christians are often called ‘believers’, because of the common characteristic which distinguishes them - their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is for believers both an honour and a privilege to know Jesus and in this relationship they find their greatest comfort. True believers know the value and preciousness found in Jesus, and know that nothing else in life equates to it. This is evidenced by the fact they consider Him to be their closest and most intimate friend, the source and purpose of their being, the One they commit their souls to, and the answer that settles all the questions of life! There is no question that this is a personal, voluntary, real knowledge and experience, so much so, that believers have been willing to lay down everything they have, including life for Jesus. They who shun the Lord, turn away from His principles and reject the salvation He has provided, unknowingly discard the very peace, joy and fulfilment they are seeking in life. They will in vain search for this preciousness in a million other experiences and conditions; yearn for it in all the wrong places and people, but it will be found nowhere - except in Christ Jesus.  To the believer Jesus is the ‘Pearl of great price’, the ultimate gift of God, and the most precious ointment. He is the essence of life itself and the very breath in the lungs. Jesus is our all, for in Him we live, move and have our being!

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