Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Feb 11

“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above…” Colossians 3:1

The apostle Paul raises here a powerful argument for our consideration. He establishes in previous chapters that we are buried with Jesus in baptism, and our sins removed, we rise with Him into a new life by His Spirit. This fact accepted and proclaimed, he then sets for us a ‘litmus test’ (a simple test that produces a clear, objective answer) of that which should naturally follow the resurrected life! IF we are in fact new creatures, resurrected individuals, born again believers, THEN our desire, affinity and passion should now be DIFFERENT to what it USED TO BE! Our minds and hearts cannot possibly still long for the dead things of sin and degradation we were saved from! It should be inconceivable that we should want anything to do with that which we claim to have left in the grave! IF we are resurrected with Jesus, we should make our priority and propensity the maintenance of spiritual life and sturdy spiritual health. No longer can our proclivities be of the world and the things of the world. Our appetite, inclination and taste should be for those superior things, the things ‘which are above’, the things of God! How self-defeating and injurious to the cause of Christ are those who claim to be ‘born-again’, but still live like they are dead in trespasses and sins! They have changed neither manner nor habits; neither company nor preferences; neither vision nor desire! Carnality is their banner and they know nothing of the holiness of God. They are just as empty of spiritual life as they ever were, but wear on the dead toe of their spiritual corpse, the tag of ‘born-again Christian’! They remain in the mortuary of dead religiousness and have the zeal and passion of those confined to the morgue! Where is the evidence of the resurrected life in Christ? Where is the hunger and seeking after God first and ahead of all else? How can we tell that we are genuinely new creatures? The test is simple! We should take it regularly! What do we pursue? What is our primary desire? Is it for God or for our flesh? Do we long more for the things of God or are we still totally taken and attracted by the things of the world? Let true believers stand and show the testimony of the resurrected life they have in Christ by their fear of God and hatred for sin, their love for others, the spiritual nature of their choices, the quality of their service to God, the Christ-like humility of their self-image and the intense passion  to obey God's word and to fulfil God’s will and purpose for their lives!


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