gave himself a ransom for all…”
1 Timothy 2:6
In order to free a
slave from his captivity, a redemption price or ransom had to be paid. Clearly
from his enslaved position, the slave himself would never be able to pay such a
price. To free such a man then, someone else would have to pay the price of his
freedom, on his behalf. Such is the picture painted in our text. Like poor and
hopeless captives, we too were all slaves to sin, under the hand of the
tyrannical and wicked master, the devil, who cared nothing if we died. Our situation
was so beyond repair because the price for our liberty could not be paid by any
other human being. Everyone else was in the same condition as us, for all have
sinned and as such, were in the same chains and bondage that defined and
restrained us. How could such a situation be remedied? What price could
possibly be paid, as a ransom for all of humanity? Jesus is the answer! This is
the motto some have puzzled over. They wonder if Jesus is the answer then what was
the question! The question was they, me, us, all of humanity, our sin and lost
condition and the how we could ever be delivered from our slavery and the
captivity of Satan – that is the question to which only Jesus is the answer! He
is the True Redeemer, who didn’t just give in order to ransom, but gave Himself,
His precious sinless blood, as the price and full payment for our freedom from
slavery! To further expound the dimension of Christ’s redemption, consider
this: He became the ransom price for ALL! Yes - all of humanity; all who have
been enslaved by sin and iniquity; all who are in captivity and spiritual
chains! This is a remarkable thought! The price of delivering on slave from his
slavery was considerable but the price of delivering humanity from its slavery
is incalculable! The praises and hymns of thanks should continually flow from
the mouths and hearts of every human being on earth! Yet what is obvious is
that so many remain in the bondage of their sin and enslaved by satan - why is
this the case? The single and simple requirement for receiving this freedom is
accepting the salvation Jesus has provided! So many remain in spiritual slavery,
for several reasons. Firstly because they do not know about the Saviour and the
price He paid on their behalf, and therefore cannot in faith act and partake of
His salvation. This is why the task of those who are saved, is to share the ‘good
news’ of the gospel of salvation and help others receive their freedom! Let’s
remember that every effort is made by the powers of darkness which enslave the
souls of men, to stop this process of evangelism, quench the passion and vision
of Christians to share the gospel, and to adulterate the message of salvation,
minimise it, compromise it or alter it, in any way possible to lessen the
chances of a slave becoming free from sin. The second reason why so many are
yet in chains of spiritual slavery, is that the salvation and ransom given
freely on their behalf, astonishingly is rejected by them! Although it may seem
unthinkable, illogical and unlikely, that a slave would reject the only means
of his liberty, yet this is exactly what is happening on the spiritual plane! Either
deceived in believing that is not really their spiritual condition, or that
there is some other way to freedom, or worse unwilling to make Jesus their new
Master and Lord and serve Him for the love He has shown to them, they reject ‘The
Ransom’, and choose rather to remain in spiritual bondage and slavery, where
they will die eternally for their sin! Through all this, the grand plan and
message of God continues to sound out for all who will hear it, and His
salvation is still available to all who will receive it – Jesus – The Ransom
for all! Jesus is still the Answer!
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