Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Feb 22

“…Man shall not live by bread alone…” Matthew 4:4

Jesus had been fasting for forty days. When tempted to miraculously supply for Himself bread to sustain His physical life, His scriptural response to the tempter was taken from Deuteronomy. There we are reminded not to think that our survival depends upon bread alone, for that is at best only sufficient for the physical being, but that true life in a man, is produced by adherence to “every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”. It is a common mistake among humans to judge and measure our sufficiency and success by physical, temporal and fiscal factors alone. We usually consider a person to be successful, when they have money, own property and are generally ‘well-off’ in physical, financial terms. God measures by a different yardstick, and clearly being economically well placed, does not amount to being spiritually successful or wealthy in God. Many are financially rich and socially well positioned, but are yet destitute in their soul, empty of godliness, impoverished in spirit and untouched by the grace of God! Having all that satisfies the physical needs and wants, does not preclude the necessity to seek that, which is essential for the health and wealth of our mind, heart, soul and spirit. ‘Man shall not live by bread alone’, as a divine principle, reaches into the deepest recesses of our human intuition, and tears out all our pre-conceived ideas and ideologies! It destroys the endless human pursuit of the tangible, material and temporal world only, and lifts our gaze to a higher plane. It is there we see the bigger picture. God made man to be more than just a physical being! His mind, soul and spirit require life giving sustenance also, and that ‘food’ can only come from the word of God! No other source will do, no spiritual life can result from the philosophies and thoughts of man. The human replacements of man’s wisdom to feed the mind, human experience to feed the emotions and pseudo spiritualism to reach the soul, cannot bring to man the spiritual and eternal life God had intended for him. Without the spiritual plane of life given by Yahwah, we have only a temporal physical existence and are brought face to face with the futility of our struggles and briefness of our earthly survival! We need divine, heavenly food, for true life on earth, for worship and service unto God, and for life eternal. That is what we were designed and created for, and nothing short of fulfilling our created purpose will satisfy. Man shall not live by bread alone, for that life will soon pass and an eternity of death will follow - unless during this brief passage on earth, we realise, accept and make ours the eternal life which comes from hearing and obeying every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God!

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