Jesus found
us at our weakest, most needy and vulnerable moment, when we were least able to
cope with or deal with our lives. Some of us have always considered ourselves
to be proficient and to have the capacity to function without external help and
support. Yet even if in many aspects of life we ‘had it all together’, the
problem of our sin-sick soul remained, and nothing we could do by our own means,
could resolve that issue! Outside of Christ, the Bible calls us ‘the ungodly’,
simply because we are without God in our lives, and thus not able to sustain
any true spiritual health. We may imagine that we don’t really ‘need’ God;
after all, we are managing just fine. However the record shows, that many who
have come to the Lord, were not destitute, abandoned nor needy. It is not only the
physically and mentally broken or emotionally distressed, who need God.
Salvation is not merely for the poor, underprivileged or the person who has
wrecked their lives. At the precise time in God’s plan, Christ died for the
ungodly. That description applies to all levels of humanity and society, from what
we may consider ‘the lowest to the highest’, wherever there is a ‘lack of God’
in our souls! Jesus paid the price for you and me, and did not care what
condition we are in, or what position we fill in society. We can be as much of
a sinner as the vilest person we know, though we may be dressed in the finest
of clothes, live in the best home or hold an elite position or respected
occupation in society. Our life-style does not in itself determine the
condition of our soul – the presence or absence of God in us, does! God in His
love, made provision for all ungodly humanity, and in case we think we are
slightly better than the person next to us, we are told that in ourselves and
by our own means and deeds, there is ‘none righteous, no, not one’! Clearly nothing
we can do justifies us before the Lord, we need God and His provision for our
souls! Right on time, in the plan of God, you were provided for, there remains
but one requirement - to make what Jesus did, yours personally and benefit
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