Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Jan 19

“Hearing of thy love and faith…” Philemon 1:5

Philemon’s godly life and the love he bore towards God and the fellow-believers made Paul joyful and thankful. There is a reputation of godliness and diligence, which should precede those who are true Disciples of Christ. It is not a status, achieved through personal boasting, advertising of one’s virtues or self-promotion of any kind! The Pharisees of Jesus’ day were bent on attracting attention to their spirituality through such means. It is rather that which God brings forth in us and others are able to communicate, having experienced for themselves the reality of the fruit, which the faithful servant abundantly bears unto the Lord. There can be no pretence about this. It cannot be a strummed up ‘character reference’, without supporting ‘documentation’! The enduring quality of the individual’s life, his loving interaction with peers and the longevity of his service and diligence, become the ‘unwritten’ documents, which underpin the claims of godliness others may proffer about him!  Though some may appear in the shorter term to bear such fruit, it is over the longer period of service in Christ, that such fruit and the reality of it is validated and verified. A tree may bear good fruit for one season, but if after that it fails to raise a crop, or its fruit is stunted and sickly, it will hardly be sought after. A good tree and one worthy of commendation, on the other hand, is one which continues to bear good fruit, season after season, and is reliable for the quality and quantity of its produce. Clearly as Christians also, it is not a matter of merely having some spiritual fruit, some of the time, but rather, as God’s Word exhorts, that it should be plentiful and remain - that is be more permanent in nature. This is how godly reputation is formed. It cannot be the result of a single effort, just a season of well-doing followed by periods of indifference and fits of tepidity, nor a resting of previous ‘laurels’ of achievement, without present signs. It must stem from ongoing, active and evident, submission to the ways of God in love and faith, and from assiduousness to fulfil the law of Christ towards others, which is the law of love. Such a fruitful life brings great rejoicing to those who lead, and great inspiration to all who follow Christ!

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