Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Jan 2

 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High….” Psalm 91:1

Probably spoken with reference to the Holiest of Holies in the tabernacle, the ‘secret place of the most High’, was a place where only designated priests would be able to visit, and then only once a year! There the chosen minister would have an encounter with God and experience the joy of His presence. How blessed we are in this dispensation of time, when unlike then, whosoever chooses God, can have the privilege to not merely ‘visit’, but to daily live in the glorious presence of the Almighty! In Christ, we can make our abode closest to the heart of God and occupy a place of intimacy with Him. Our personal relationship with the Lord can be as close as we will choose and allow. No longer need we employ the services of another to enquire or hear from the Lord, now we individually and without reference to our social position or status in life, have access into the most holy place. If we do not develop a close connection with Jesus; if the quality of what we have and feel in God is poor or wanting, the fault can only be laid at our feet. It is the greatest privilege to find our right place in God, and discover the comfort, protection, provision and blessing that a near and dear heartfelt closeness with Jesus will afford.


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