“Honour thy father and mother…” Ephesians
We are
reminded that this is the first commandment with a promised attached, although
we do understand that in all obedience of God’s commandments, we find blessing
and life. The directive here is to honour our parents, and to do so towards
them both equally. This means to hold them in great regard, to esteem and
appreciate them and give them due consideration, because of the position they
hold as the physical originators of our lives. This is not a negotiable
suggestion, based on whether we approve of them as individual human beings, or
of their respective actions and performance in life. Their value as parents and
their position has been mandated by the Lord, to deserve our honour. What of
the situations, however, where parents do great damage to their children and
act in the most deplorable ways towards them? Is it possible to honour parents and
yet lack respect for them? The idea of honour is automatically attached to the
position of progenitor and is definitely commanded of us. Respect however,
though it should and often does accompany honour, is more in nature and
connection to honour, what trust is to love; it is not always automatic or
commanded, but rather earned through the actions and consistency of the
individual in focus. For instance one could say that he honours the leader of
the country for the position he fills, but have little respect or trust for the
individual, due to his personal failures or ungodly proclivities! Woefully,
this is more than ever the case with many of our contemporary leaders! The same
concept extends to those in other privileged, leadership positions, including
fathers and mothers. As more parents
turn away from godly living, abandon their God ordained responsibilities, and
fail in their personal lives to be a good example to their children, it is
increasingly difficult to find families where true respect is both earned and
duly given. Sadly this has become just as true among professing Christians, and
it is an ever increasing epidemic, the result of worldly and sinful choices.
For believers who intend to uphold and obey God’s Word, it is nonetheless
necessary to honour father and mother in faithfulness to God, and in loving
response to His Word, even if we may feel that as individuals, our parents may
not merit our wholehearted trust or respect. When in turn we become parents,
let us remember the privileged and honourable position we have been granted by
God, and be careful to maintain our relationship with God in good order. Wisdom and discipline for us will mean to
keep earning through correct behaviour, and never taking for granted, the
respect and trust that our children deposit in us as their examples, friends
and leaders.
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