Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Jan 17

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105

The strongest and ablest of men can stumble and fall if he attempts to progress in darkness. The idea portrayed in this renowned verse of scripture, is that God’s Word shines a light at our feet so we can safely walk the path of life. Each of us is journeying, and all of us face potential dangers and pitfalls as we travel life. The light of God at our feet ensures we have a safe passage. The Lord’s light shines with His wisdom, principles and commands enriching and giving meaning and purpose to life, but also keeping us from unnecessary hurt, loss and injury. He provides the understanding and comprehension we need to make it in life and walk rightly. His directives may be at times uncomfortable to the eyes which had grown accustomed to darkness, but when angled right as the light of a lamp or candle, they help us to clearly see where we should step next and avoid the pitfalls and dangers of that darkness. The light for our feet, He also shines on our path. This too is in the same manner a blessing and security to us human travellers. It shows just enough of the path ahead of us so that we can stay the course and not deviate or take the wrong turn, but causes us also to stay close to the light by not being able to see too far ahead of ourselves! God shines it in this manner so we can trust Him, lean on Him and rely on His direction at each step and at each bend in the road. If we in faith take our stand and step in the light He has given us, He will surely continue to shine it for us, so we can take one more step and another, and another… till we finally will step into the glorious city which is filled with the light of God and in which there is no more darkness nor night!


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