drink when indulged, can easily take control of even the wisest and most
capable of individuals. It will destroy the minds and reputations of worthwhile
people and ultimately help bring eternal condemnation to those who yield to it.
It is indeed a mocker as the scriptures title it, and is often at the centre of
some of the worst human failings, poorest choices, most horrendous accidents and highly heinous crimes.
People with usually bright and responsive minds, can be turned to dull,
irresponsible brutes, and become capable of violent actions and promiscuous behaviour,
they would not normally consider even remotely appropriate. How foolish to be
deceived by a substance known for its trickery, which promises a pleasure it
doesn’t deliver! Yet its scorn continues to be given place and worse has
strengthened its hold, in a humanity so given over to its power and abandoned
to its control. The deception of indulgence in strong drink is twofold –
firstly in the fact that the drinker is deceived in believing he will remain in
control, when in fact his mind is being altered, his will bent, and at last, like a fool, he
can no longer reason wisely or be considered responsible. Secondly its deception
extends to the wider scope of society, which largely adopts, excuses and allows
for this controlling substance to be consumed far too liberally. Drinking is viewed
as ‘normal’ and even necessary in many circles. Thus, in spite of the knowledge
that it grossly alters human behaviour, drink is often encouraged, and the
deception perpetuated, even while the lives of individuals and families, are
being destroyed by the habits which result from this indulgence. The
repercussions on society and the cost of dealing with the effects and results
of alcoholism are astonishing. In our so called ‘civilized’ culture, it is
surprising that we would even remotely countenance this lavish abuse, yet the
practice increases and is celebrated, with growing number of outlets and multiplies
ways in which strong drink can be easily obtained. Christians do well to avoid
any such indulgence and better still stay clear from the practice of drinking alcohol
all together, particularly when they consider they were delivered from it in
the past, and ponder the importance of their witness for Christ, in the present.
We are directed by God’s word not to be brought ‘under the power’ of anything -
alcohol certainly qualifies as a controller! Wisdom in God includes making the
right choices in response to God’s teaching, and knowing how to lean on the
Spirit of God sufficiently that the flesh is not given place or control.
Foolishness on the other hand, is ignoring what the Lord says and doing what
pleases the flesh. Being unwise is never a virtue, but becomes even worse when
the ‘fool’ is one who professes to know and serve God!
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