Thursday, 24 January 2013

Jan 24

“So I bought her to me…” Hosea 3:2

In yet another remarkable object lesson for the benefit of a backslidden and idolatrous Israel, God again directs the prophet to marry a wife. This woman too is compromised, this time by adulterous behaviour and as such is under penalty of death and the dowry which is paid for her, is but the half the price of a servant! Yet he is to love her and see her restored rather than destroyed by her sin. In this powerful object lesson, is the story not only of Israel and God’s dealings with His people, but also a fitting simile of our lives before we knew the merciful Lord and Saviour of our souls! We, as that woman, had given ourselves over to all kinds of iniquity and idolatry. Following the ways of the world and adulterating our souls with the filth and degradation of sin, we, like dumb sheep going to the slaughter, were doomed to eternal damnation in retribution for our rebellion, disobedience and loose living. We rendered ourselves worthless and miserable, without hope or future, and became the inheritors of death. That was until the Lord in His inimitable love, reached out to us, and while we were yet sinners, in our darkest spiritual fog, Jesus died for us! He paid the price for our sins, but not merely what we were worth, for that was precious little, even less than the price of a servant! No! He paid the highest price – He yielded the one ingredient which alone could cleanse sin and make repair for it. He submitted the one substance which all of heaven and earth could not replace or equate in value – His precious, sinless blood! How blessed are we to have this loving Benefactor and gracious Saviour, who willingly condescended to reach down and lift us up from the depths and miry clay of sure death and destruction, to heavenly places with Him!

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