Wednesday, 12 June 2013

June 9

“…Let us build with you…” Ezra 4:2

At face value a reasonable request and one which might have been tempting, considering the great need and word to be done. After all they claimed to worship the same God! As the context demonstrates, however, the approach came from people less than sincere and with private, antagonistic agendas. They were known to not only worship Yahwah, but also many other gods, a practice which was offensive to the Almighty. The leaders of Israel were wise not to allow for their assistance! There may be times in our lives where we also might be tempted to enter into inappropriate alliances. Our motive may be to further the cause of Christ, but this is not a wise or fruitful practice! Those who are given to compromise regarding the truth, and are found wanting in holy and consecrated living for God, are not likely to be a true or consistent help in edifying the body of Christ! There are some who would want to participate in the projects and functions of the church, and may appear enthusiastic about giving of their time and efforts, but may, because of the shortcomings in their lives, be more of a hindrance than a help, to the witness for Christ. It is in such situations that leadership must be sensitive to the leading of God’s Spirit. Paul exhorted believers to know those who worked among them. The context is to know the ministry and appreciate their work, but the same care applies in knowing those who are less than consecrated in their lives and service. A test of sincerity is often found in the response a person gives, when their offer is lovingly turned down or postponed. A genuine volunteer won’t mind waiting to be summoned when timely or appropriate, their desire is to serve God and be a help in any way or time as is convenient. Conversely someone who may have an ulterior motive, or a misplaced reason for offering their help or filling a position, will most probably react offended and may even become hostile towards leadership if turned down. Accomplishing God’s work in whatever sphere, is an important and privileged responsibility. It should be carried out with the utmost of personal care and attentiveness. It does not always require the greatest of talent, but it should always be done with the greatest excellence of heart!

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