The scriptures labour at length to
teach us all about that which is necessary for us to fulfil the will of God. In
this verse we are taught that we can only truly love God, when we are obedient
to Him by walking in His commandments! Many, in their own versions of the
Christian faith, have divorced the necessity of unrelenting obedience unto God and
His Word, from any evidence of our love for Him. They have made loving God a
mere ‘fuzzy, warm feeling’, akin to what we may feel towards a favourite song,
picture or other comfort; an emotional, temporary response to God, based on how
we feel at the time. Given the ‘right’ circumstances, today we might ‘feel’
love for God, but not so much tomorrow, when the circumstances have changed, and the comfort or ‘warmth’ is no longer there! Such ‘love’ for God is at best a
poor imitation, and is not a reflection of the true love, which the scriptures
teach we are to have for God. In God’s economy, obedience to His Word, His
directives, is the way we can measure and determine the reality and quality of
our love for Him. The text also insists that God’s standard on this has not
changed. The commandment of God, meaning His entire revelation to man through
His Word, His entire counsel on how we should live our lives and please Him,
has been the same from the beginning! Keeping His word then means to obey what
He says we should do, make it our life, walk in it and reflect it in all our
directions and dealings. It means determined obedience, even when it is not
comfortable to do so, when others mock, disagree or disapprove. By walking in
God’s commands, we are not making our obedience and therefore love towards Him, an isolated instance or once of condition. Walking intimates a continuing
process, an ongoing exercise and a progression towards a goal or direction! Love
for God is the greatest motivation for our service unto Him and cannot be based
on the whimsical nature of human feelings. It is directed, strengthened and
supported in response to the obedience we give the Lord. Our relationship with
Jesus grows nearer and closer as we willingly yield more of ourselves to His will
and ways! What a privilege to know the Lord and to have the benefit of His word
to teach us how to love Him the way we should!
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