Sunday, 16 June 2013

June 17

“Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock…” Psalms 28:1

David had been in the unique and rather strange circumstance of life, of being anointed to be the next king of Israel, by the prophet of the Lord, and yet sought after as an evil doer, and pursued to be killed, by the present king! Twice he was in a position to rid himself of Saul and the threat which weighed heavily on his life, and twice he turned down the opportunity and temptation to take things into his own hands, choosing rather to leave it in God’s hands and timing. There must have been times like this one described in our text, when he felt totally at odds with his life’s situation, and could not but to cry out to the Lord in distress. Recognising and admitting that we are struggling sometimes, is not a bad thing, provided that like David we don’t wallow in the mire and self-pity our condition, but rather go with our distress and need, to the One who can help us and lift us up out of the pit we feel we are in! In other words it is when we concentrate on the problem and not the solution that we can do damage, and potentially lose ground in our walk and progress with God. This does not mean merely ignoring the problem or thinking positive thoughts, but dealing with the issue through One who has power greater than our own! Everybody experiences low times in life, and it is human to feel the sting and pressures of the afflictions we face. The all-important difference is our willingness and desire to go to the Rock! Jesus is the Rock upon which our salvation is founded. He is the basis of our faith and victory, and the One who has overcome sin and the world, and gives us power to overcome any and all of the difficulties which face us. Our crying out in prayer and supplication to the Fountain of Life, the Source of all Good, the Rock and Strength of our souls, will achieve much, when done in faith and fervently. God will supply the answer to our question, the solution to our problem, the relief to our distress. At times He does so by somehow removing the impediment or difficulty from our lives, for He has the power to do all things. We rejoice over the victory He gives in these situations and feel delivered and lifted. If the irritant, or problem, or affliction in our life is meant to teach us some valuable lesson, God may not remove it, but utilise it to build our faith, strengthen our determination, steel our resolve and impart to us priceless traits of character such as patience, persistence, humility and stability. During these times we may not feel the ‘burden lift’ per se, but we will register His calm and confident strength, which makes us able to carry the burden victoriously and continue regardless, on our journey towards heaven. We serve a God of power, love and wisdom, and must trust that He knows what is best for us in every situation. In faith praying, trusting and leaning on Him we can make it, and are more than overcomers through Christ Jesus our Lord!

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