Tuesday, 18 June 2013

June 18

“…and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding…” Colossians 2:2

The apostle’s prayer was that saints may come to a place of unity, strength and fulfilment in God. It seems the problem existed then as it does now, that most of us become content with but a little of God, enough to get by and just sufficient to feel justified in bearing the title of ‘Christian’. It is God’s desire we see here reflected through Paul’s epistle, that we grow to have and appreciate the full spectrum of the riches which are found in Christ Jesus! Quality of spiritual wealth is not determined merely on quantity in a preferred aspect or practice, but also on appropriating and reflecting the full scope and variety of all that is available in Christ. Unlike what is often true with man outside of Christ, where we find highly skilled professional individuals who may be the best in their particular field of expertise, yet sadly lack in the necessary parental or marital skills to be equally successful there, the Christian is to strive towards excellence in every aspect of the Christian walk. There is no such thing as a ‘specialist Christian’, one who may specialise in say giving financially, but knows nothing of faithfulness in prayer, dedication in service or desire for holiness. A man may well be called to a specific area of ministry such as pastoring, but this does not exonerate him from fulfilling all the other necessary aspects of the Christian walk, in fact such a call, makes him even more responsible to fulfil them and to such a degree that he may be an example to others! This spiritual richness comes with a full assurance, a firm conviction and strong persuasion, based on the understanding of the biblical teaching. God’s Word, is the depository of God’s revealed will and wisdom, and understanding what He has shared with us is like tapping in the largest oilfields or striking the richest lode of gold. It is the only way we can truly become spiritually rich! No one who seriously appreciates the value of such treasures, is content with just a little of it, but rather desires to mine and extract all he can from this source.  Accompanied by prayer and a humble spirit, knowing and understanding God’s Word, is partaking of heaven’s boundless treasury and feeding at God’s sumptuous table! It is the Lord’s greatest joy to give to those who long for richness beyond the temporal and material things of this world, the best and greatest divine resources and treasures. It should be our greatest joy to thankfully receive all He has for us, appreciate it above all else in life, and use it for His glory and the furtherance of His kingdom!


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